ATD Vendor Directory
Maintain year long visibility in ATD’s online supplier directory. A company listing places your business in categories designed to help visitors select vendor partners. The ATD Vendor Directory is a resource for over 100,000 learning and development professionals seeking resources that support their needs.
(click here to enlarge image)
Listing with Social Media Integration:
$1,800 for a one year listing
$3,240 For a two year listing
$3,672 for a three year listing
Brand Graphics
Graphic Element (685 x 250 pixels - jpg, gif or png)
Company logo
Company Description
Company tagline
Extended company description
Unlimited keywords for SEO (space permitting)
Select up to 10 areas of expertise categories
Product Spotlight/Documents and Images
Post company products or services (includes descriptions with graphics)
Post downloadable documents and images
Video Previews
Live, real time feed to your Youtube channel or online video library.
Social Media
Direct connect to your organization’s social media feed with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more.
Direct connect to your organization’s blog.
Industry Contacts
Company contact information (includes URL/email)
"We receive a lot of requests as a result of our Vendor Directory Subscription. Very High Value! Thank You!"
Nancy - Institute of Organization Development